Monday 30 April 2012

What a difference a day makes...

What's this? Blue Skies...White Fluffy Clouds, Green Fields and dare I say SUNSHINE... This can't possibly be less than 24hrs after the day when Noah was getting 'The Ark' out of dry dock! It's an unbelievable 14 degrees out here and it feels almost summer like.

Jenny might get one of her 6 coats off very soon...

Oh Rainer, well he has a light layer of sweat on his forehead, either that or it's condensation as a result of the speed of the moist air airflow passing over his head. He still looks effortless running and totally makes you want to hang up your trainers for good.

Anyway, he is on his way to us at 30 miles and the halfway point for the day... more then. - The Home of ULTRArunning

1 comment:

  1. Tim E says sounds like a nice day for lots of photos!
